Our Services

Grocery store shelf image

Our Services

Our services represent a comprehensive guide to entering the Canadian market in compliance with all CFIA regulations. Whether you need us from start to finish, a final review, or you simply have a few questions, we are here to help you.

16 Years
of Experience

Nutrition Facts Tables

We use the proven industry standard software to ensure the Nutrition Facts Tables that are on your packaging are professionally compiled. Meeting all the updated requirements
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Not all translations are created even, our translator is an expert in Canadian terminology. Ensuring the right dialect and expressions are aimed at your target audience.

Packaging conversion for Canada

Using your existing label ensuring your vision remains the same in Canada. Using your existing claims and romance and massaging it to fit into our regulations.
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Regulatory consultations Icon

Regulatory consultations

We are here to answer any questions you may have along the way. Guiding you through the hurdles of all the separate Canadian regulations related to food packaging painlessly.

Client representation

Boundary Labels advocates for our clients. We are your representation for inquiries, consultations and even hurdles with the Canadian regulatory agencies.
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Ingredients and Allergens

Using your formula we ensure your ingredients and allergens are properly listed with Canadian terminology, proper order as well as correct layout in both official languages.